Mlejnek R., 2017: Broučí klenoty mokřadů. Nové poznatky o rákosníčcích (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Donaciinae)

ISBN: 977-257-057800-5

Issue 1/2017

38 pages, A4 format, colored photographs, maps of distribution, soft cover

Text bilingual in Czech and English.

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21,82 € HT
21,82 € HT


Czech Republic

Beetles's jewels. New findings on Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Donaciinae. Issue 1. First Edition, 2017.

The magazine contains new faunistic and bionomic findings about the Donaciinae group. Current maps of the distribution and characteristics of Central European genera and species are presented. Considered are always bioindicator groups. On 40 pages of the first workbook, the species Donacia aquatica and D. bicolora are mentioned in detail. From the wetlands is thoroughly described the system of ponds Břehyňský - Máchovo Lake and Novozámecký. Reed beetles are also depicted on postage stamps as a curiosity. 



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